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We value your interest in our products. Please know more about 360 degree interactive virtual tour solutions. We appreciate your interests in our offerings, you can also visit our support and feedback page if more information is required.
R3i Virtual Tour Player is online web platform to showcase location or images into 360 degree virtual tours. Still photography consists of single click, while wide angle photography consists 180 degree view. For 360 degree view of any scene of location, photographer has to click multiple photographs, which there-on stitched together. R3i Interactive Virtual Tour Software shows such images into 360 degree perspective. It also integrates and shows other notable features/information along with the 360 degree view.
A scene is a full 360° spherical panorama, a full 360° cylindrical panorama, a cylindrical partial panorama that is between 90° and 359°, a still image, or a full motion video clip that is used to represent a unique location within your tour. A panoramic scene is created by taking several snapshots and process them with our stitching software to make a panoramic virtual tour scene. A panoramic image will only count as one scene within your virtual tour. RTV allows you to publish up to 60 scenes within each of your productions as well as up to five minutes of full motion video.
R3i Virtual Tour Solutions can be ordered directly to R3 Interactive or through its associates. After the placement of order, technical team along with sales team co-ordinates for shooting scenes of the project or property. After photoshoots of the project, photographer create the project online with the help of R3i Virtual Tour online platform. After completion of project client shall get licensed product emebed code, which can be embeded to client websites. Standard delivery time is One Week while priority delivery turn around time is one week.
R3i Player based 360 degree interactive virtual tours are made for windows and mac. It supports all leading web browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. Panoramic Views are also compatible to touch intuisive mobile and tablets devices run on latest iOS and Android operating systems.
R3 Interactive have its in-house photography team as well as approved associate photographers to accomplish photography jobs. Client can directly upload the desired format virtual tour images if they are part of our affiliation program or paid for the services.
R3 Interactive approved photography team will co-ordinate prior to the task and share pre-requisite checklist about proper & ideal arrangement on site. Once the checklist done, photography task will be carried on keeping the conditions of indoor or outdoor under well organised manner. There will be 360 degree photography along with the still photography. R3 Interactive will be fully responsible to arrange related equipments, client shall provide the ambience, electricity and site support with authorisation documents of site.
Photography of outdoor or indoor depends upon the conditions at site, arrangements, co-ordination and electricity supply at client end. Generally 20 shoots per site can be carried within a day. For outdoor shoots, proper and ideal weather conditions should support and time varies based upon climate.
The tour window supports any combination of full 360° spherical panoramas, a full 360° cylindrical panoramas, a cylindrical partial panorama that is between 90° and 359° and still images. These are all called scenes and you are allowed up to 60 scenes per tour. You could have 60 stills if you wanted a tour completely made up of just still shots. Or you could have 10 full 360 panoramic shots, 10 partial panoramic shots, 40 stills virtual tour production.
R3 Interactive has its own server farms which are one of the world's fastest servers in the world and leading in virtual tour sector. All the tours developed for clients are hosted on our dedicated servers. The embeded tours on client web sites or any other web platforms fetch data directly from our servers so the bandwidth is used at our end, not on client websites.
We offer license period of 3 years for hosting of virtual tours on our services. The prices for renewal of license and hosting period varies depend product to product.
Our hosted virtual tour license is limited to single domain. We do not allow embedding hosted virtual tours on any other doamin accept select social media and blog sites
We upgrade our product considering client feedback and upgradration policies. In general circumstances we upgrade our product to all existing clients.
We charge based scenes/location/point bases. There are packages for each product. We also offer quantitative price. For pricing please contact us for instant quote.
Yes our price is included of photography.
We offer different packages for our affiliate partners where they can earn through commissioning or through direct sales.
Photographers can be host their virtual tours at R3 Interactive, they can earn through licensing or through commission on assignements given by R3 Interactive
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